Sixth, step up people-to-people exchanges at various levels, especially those involving ordinary people in the interest of strengthening mutual understanding and friendship, so as to cement the popular and society-wide support for China-ASEAN friendly and good-neighborly relations. 六是密切各层次民间交往,特别是民众交流,增进相互了解和友谊,夯实中国-东盟睦邻友好关系民意基础和社会基础。
The company hopes to strike a balance between blocking damaging private information about ordinary Europeans while preserving links to content in the public interest, such as articles about corrupt public officials. 谷歌希望能找到一种平衡,在屏蔽对普通欧洲人造成损害的个人信息的同时,保留符合公众利益的内容&比如有关公务员腐败的文章。
The other participating enterprises responsible person believes that the Home Expo visitors to ordinary people mainly in the high-end mahogany furniture attracting little interest, also in reason; 其他参与的企业负责人认为,家居世博游客到普通人的主要是中高档红木家具乏人问津,也在情理之中;
This is a volatile data set: even the bigger companies can see double-digit percentage swings from quarter to quarter in aggregate ordinary profits ( operating profits plus interest and non-operating income). 报告中的这组数据波动较大:即便是大企业,其综合经常利润(经营利润加上利息和非经营收入)的季度环比变幅,也可达到两位数。
And I have a suspicion that it was an occult theft, not an ordinary one, because no one even suspected the value of those papers-for most people they had no interest at all. 而我有点怀疑那是一个玄秘的盗窃,不是普通的那种,因为甚至没有人疑问那些文件的价值&对绝大部分人而言他们一点也不会感兴趣。
Profit growth also accelerated, more than doubling from the first quarter to 10 per cent for ordinary profits ( operating profit plus interest and dividend payments and income from investments). 利润增速也在加快,企业的普通利润(营业利润加上利息、股息付款以及投资收益)比今年第一季翻了一倍,达到10%。
The retail bond market ordinary investors are increasingly drawn to retail bonds, which can offer attractive returns in the current low interest rate environment. 利率低企,令零售债券的回报率特别具吸引力,因此越来越多普罗大众投资于零售债券。
Shareholders can always seize private interest by substituting debet-offering for equity-offering, but such substitution harms ordinary debtees and government's interest and was banned by law. 通过债务性资本与替权益性资本的替换,股东总能够获得套利收益,但同时也损害了普通债权人和政府的收益,因而受到法律的限制。
Results: ( 1) Compared with the ordinary students, the study-failed students showed the significant differences in the time, and purpose of internet-surfing, the degree of pathological internet use, help-seeking attitude, studying attitude, specialty interest, academic achievement, etc.; 结果:(1)学业受挫的大学生在上网时间、上网目的、自知网瘾程度、求助心态、学习态度、专业兴趣、上网后学业成绩等方面与一般学生相比均存在较为显著的差异。
This paper studies a problem of ruin probability of the ordinary renewal risk process with constant interest. 本文研究了在常利率条件下普通更新风险模型的破产概率问题。
Income gap, employment and conflicts between leaders and ordinary people are the three main contradictions of interest, which are affecting present social stability in the course of reform and development. 收入差距矛盾、就业矛盾、干群关系矛盾成为影响当前改革发展稳定全局的重大利益矛盾。
However, most students, esp. in ordinary Senior School have no interest in listening both in the classroom and outside the classroom. 然而,大多数学生,尤其普通高中学生对听力没有兴趣,无论课内还是课外,其原园是学生基础差,听力课上他们听不懂所听的内容,不能完成听力练习。
In the case of m nodes, by the stability theory of ordinary differential equation, it is proved that for whole network the weighted sum of instant interest rate of nodes in the network maintains a constant; 在m个节点的情形,利用常微分方程稳定性理论,证明了网络中各节点即时利率的加权和为一常数,而各节点两两之间即时利率差最终将稳定地趋于其基本利率差。
Among the investments in the organic apple production and operation, the leading one is in labor force. Compared with ordinary planting, the investment which grows most heavily is interest expense. 产中的各项经营投入中,劳动力投入是有机苹果经营的最主要投入,利息支出是相对普通种植方式中增长最多的投入。
The multi-media teaching used in table tennis in ordinary colleges can cultivate students 'interest, correct students' learning attitude. 4. 普通高校乒乓球教学中运用多媒体教学能培养学生兴趣,端『F学生的学习态度。